Yaqoub Mehrnehad, 28, a cultural and human rights activist from the capital city of Zahedan, Sistan-Balochistan, was arrested on May 2007 by Iranian security forces. He was taken to an unknown location and never explained what his crimes were. Nor was he given any opportunity in the court to prove his innocence before the court of law. He was torutured and tormented by the Iranian security officials. Amnesty International, London based human rights organization, expressed its concerns of his illegal arrest and safety.
He was the founding head of, “The Voice of youth justice associations” which is a non-governmental organization; his activities were purely about the promotion of Baloch culture and education. The main aim of his organization was to reach out Baloch youth in order to help them in many fields including education. He was a writer and a reporter of Mardomsalari, a Tehran based newspaper.
On August 4, 2008 he was executed in the city of Zahedan, Balochistan, Iran.
After execution of Yagoub Mehrnehad, the Iranian regime has been arresting his fellow Baloch who are associated with his organization, Voice of Youth Justice Association. Many of arrestees come from various parts of Balochistan, among them five members were arrested in the city of Saravan on October 2008.
The following persons are still languishing in Iranian prisons without any proper trial:
Behrooz Nusrat zehi,
Behzad Rigi,
Waheed Nusratzehi,
Shambeh Askani,
Gulbaig Mullazahi,
The family members of these detainees fear that the regime would eventually hang them after a show trial.
Iranian Government links these people to Jondulla, an armed resistance group and claimes that they all have connections with this group, however, in truth, they all from Sedaye Edalat (The voice of Justice association). During the past few months, it is learned that the detainess were subjected to severe toruture by the regime's officials. The Voice of Justice Association said that its members were arrested and taken to unknown location and the regime has not provided plausable explanation about their arrest.
Baloch of Sistan-e-Balochistan are predominantely come from the Sunni sect of Islam, and ethnically differ from majority Persian population. Various human rights reports point to the ijustices and mistreatment of the Baloch people in the hands of Iran's theocratic regime.
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