18 April 2009
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI]
The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI] was founded in 1948 by a British army officer, Maj Gen R Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in Pakistan Army. Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the president of Pakistan in the 1950s, expanded the role of ISI in safeguarding Pakistan's interests, monitoring opposition politicians, and sustaining military rule in Pakistan. The ISI is tasked with collection of of foreing and domestic intelligence; co-ordination of intelligence functions of the three military services; surveillance over its cadre, foreigners, the media, politically active segments of Pakistani society, diplomats of other countries accredited to Pakistan and Pakistani diplomats serving outside the country; the interception and monitoring of communications; and the conduct of covert offensive operations. The ISI has become a state within a state, answerable neither to the leadership of the army, nor to the President or the Prime Minister. The result is there has been no real supervision of the ISI, and corruption, narcotics, and big money have all come into play, further complicating the political scenario. Drug money is used by ISI to finance not only the Afghanistan war, but also the proxy war against India in Punjab and Kashmir. The Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee deals with all problems bearing on the military aspects of state security and is charged with integrating and coordinating the three services. Affiliated with the committee are the offices of the engineer in chief, the director general of medical service, the Director of Inter-Services Public Relations, and the Director of Inter-Services Intelligence. Staffed by hundreds of civilian and military officers, and thousands of other workers, the agency's headquarters is located in Islamabad. The ISI reportedly has a total of about 10,000 officers and staff members, a number which does not include informants and assets. It is reportedly organized into between six and eight divisions: · Joint Intelligence X (JIX) serves as the secretariat which co-ordinates and provides administrative support to the other ISI wings and field organisations. It also prepares intelligence estimates and threat assessments. · The Joint Intelligence Bureau (JIB), responsible for political intelligence, was the most powerful component of the organisation during the late 1980s. The JIB consists of three subsections, with one subsection devoted to operations against India. · The Joint Counter Intelligence Bureau (JCIB) is responsible for field surveillance of Pakistani diplomats stationed abroad, as well as for conducting intelligence operations in the Middle East, South Asia, China, Afghanistan and the Muslim republics of the former Soviet Union. · Joint Intelligence / North (JIN) is responsible for Jammu and Kashmir operations, including infiltration, exfilteration, propaganda and other clandestine operations. · Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous (JIM) conducts espionage in foreign countries, including offensive intelligence operations. · The Joint Signal Intelligence Bureau (JSIB), which includes Deputy Directors for Wireless, Monitoring and Photos, operates a chain of signals intelligence collection stations along the border with India, and provide communication support to militants operating in Kashmir. · Joint Intelligence TechnicalIn addition to these main elements, ISI also includes a separate explosives section and a chemical warfare section. Published reports provide contradictory indications as to the relative size of these organizational elements, suggesting that either JIX is the largest, or that the Joint Intelligence Bureau is the lrgest with some sixty percent of the total staff. The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) is the ISI's main international financial vehicle. The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence is of particular importance at the joint services level. The directorate's importance derives from the fact that the agency is charged with managing covert operations outside of Pakistan -- whether in Afghanistan, Kashmir, or farther afield. The ISI supplies weapons, training, advice and planning assistance to terrorists in Punjab and Kashmir, as well as the separatist movements in the Northeast frontier areas of India. The 1965 war in Kashmir provoked a major crisis in intelligence. When the war started there was a complete collapse of the operations of all the intellience agencies, which had been largely devoted to domestic investigative work such as tapping telephone conversations and chasing political suspects. The ISI after the commencement of the 1965 Indo-Pakistan war was apparently unable to locate an Indian armoured division due to its preoccupation with political affairs. Ayub Khan set up a committee headed by General Yahya Khan to examine the working of the agencies. The ISI has been deeply involved in domestic politics and, has kept track of the incumbent regime's opponents. Prior to the imposition of Martial Law in 1958, ISI reported to the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (C-in-C). When martial Law was promulgated in 1958 all the intelligence agencies fell under the direct control of the President and Chief Martial Law Administrator, and the three intelligence agencies began competing to demonstrate their loyalty to Ayub Khan and his government. The ISI and the MI became extremely active during the l964 presidential election keeping politicians, particularly the East Pakistanis, under surveillance. The ISI became even more deeply involved in domestic politics under General Yahya Khan, notably in East Pakistan, where operations were mounted to ensure that no political party should get an overall majority in the general election. An amount of Rs 29 lac was expended for this purpose, and attempts were made to infiltrate the inner circles of the Awami League. The operation was a complete disaster. Mr. Bhutto promoted General Zia-Ul-Haq in part because the Director of ISI, General Gulam Jilani Khan, was actively promoting him. General Zia, in return, retained General Jilani as head of ISI after his scheduled retirement. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto established the Federal Security Force and gave it wide-ranging powers to counter the influence of ISI, but the force was abolished when the military regime of Zia ul-Haq seized power in 1977. When the regime was unpopular with the military and the president (as was Benazir Bhutto's first government), the agency helped topple it by working with opposition political parties. The ISI became much more effective under the leadership of Hameed Gul. The 1990 elections are widely believed to be rigged. The Islami Jamhoori Ittehad [IJI] party was a conglomerate formed of nine mainly rightist parties by the ISI under Lt General Hameed Gul to ensure the defeat of Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in the polls. Gul denies this, claiming that the ISI's political cell created by Z.A. Bhutto only 'monitored' the elections. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan made Pakistan a country of paramount geostrategic importance. In a matter of days, the United States declared Pakistan a "frontline state" against Soviet aggression and offered to reopen aid and military assistance deliveries. For the remainder of Zia's tenure, the United States generally ignored Pakistan's developing nuclear program. Pakistan's top national security agency, the Army's Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, monitored the activities of and provided advice and support to the mujahidin, and commandos from the Army's Special Services Group helped guide the operations inside Afghanistan. The ISI trained about 83,000 Afghan Mujahideen between 1983 to 1997 and dispatched them to Afghanistan. Pakistan paid a price for its activities. Afghan and Soviet forces conducted raids against mujahidin bases inside Pakistan, and a campaign of terror bombings and sabotage in Pakistan's cities, guided by Afghan intelligence agents, caused hundreds of casualties. In 1987 some 90 percent of the 777 terrorist incidents recorded worldwide took place in Pakistan. The ISI continues to actively participate in Afghan Civil War, supporting the Talibaan in their fight against the Rabbani government. ISI is currently engaged in covertly supporting the Kashmiri Mujahideen in their fight against the Indian authorities in Kashmir. Reportedly "Operation Tupac" is the designation of the three part action plan for the liberation of Kashmir, initiated by President Zia Ul Haq in 1988 after the failure of "Operation Gibraltar." The designation is derived from Tupac Amru, the 18th century prince who led the war of liberation in Uruguay against the Spanish rule. According to a report compiled by the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) of India in 1995, ISI spent about Rs 2.4 crore per month to sponsor its activities in Jammu and Kashmir. Although all groups reportedly receive arms and training from Pakistan, the pro-Pakistani groups are reputed to be favored by the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence. As of May 1996, at least six major militant organizations, and several smaller ones, operate in Kashmir. Their forces are variously estimated at between 5,000 and 10,000 armed men. They are roughly divided between those who support independence and those who support accession to Pakistan. The oldest and most widely known militant organization, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), has spearheaded the movement for an independent Kashmir. Its student wing is the Jammu and Kashmir Students Liberation Front (JKSLF). A large number of other militant organizations have emerged since 1989, some of which also support independence, others of which support Kashmir's accession to Pakistan. The most powerful of the pro-Pakistani groups is the Hezb-ul-Mujahedin. The other major groups are Harakat-ul Ansar, a group which reportedly has a large number of non-Kashmiris in it, Al Umar, Al Barq, Muslim Janbaz Force and Lashkar-e Toiba, which is also made up largely of fighters from Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to press reports, several hundred fighters from Afghanistan and other Muslim countries have also joined some of the militant groups or have formed their own. The Harakat ul-Ansar group, a powerful militant organization which first emerged in 1993, is said to be made up largely of non-Kashmiris.ISI is reported to operate training camps near the border of Bangladesh where members of separatist groups of the northeastern states, known as the "United Liberation Front Of Seven Sisters" [ULFOSS] are trained with military equipment and terrorist activities. These groups include the National Security Council of Nagaland [NSCN], People's Liberation Army [PLA], United Liberation Front of Assam [ULFA], and North East Students Organization [NESO]. ISI is said to have intensified its activities in the southern Indian States of Hyderabad, Bangalore, Cochin, Kojhikode, Bhatkal, and Gulbarga. In Andhra Pradesh the Ittehadul Musalmeen and the Hijbul Mujahideen are claimed to be involved in subversive activities promoted by ISI. And Koyalapattinam, a village in Tamil Nadu, is said to be the common center of operations of ISI and the Liberation Tigers.
16 April 2009
Balochistan: Rockets fired at Police Training Centre in Quetta, five killed else where
QUETTA: Unknown persons fired rockets here at the Police Training Centre on Wednesday and in result three police officials were injured.According to police sources, unknown persons fired four rockets at the Police Training Centre at Saryab Road which resulted in injuries to three police men.However, the accused succeeded in running away when police fired back. Police cordoned off the area and began search for the accused while a severely injured police official has been shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex. http://www.thenews.com.pk/updates.asp?id=74887Violence in Balochistan, which erupted last week after the brutal killing of three leaders, continued unabated on Wednesday, claiming the lives of five people, including an 11-year-old boy. Five people were injured.According to police, two gunmen opened fire on a computer software shop in the Zarghoon Road area, killing two people. The attackers escaped on a motorcycle. The victims were identified as Mohammad Imran and Shamraz Khan.In the town of Mach, Osama, the 11-year-old son of a retired railway employee, Mohammad Ilyas, was killed in a hand-grenade attack in Kaka Mohammad Jan Colony. Three other people, Abdul Quddus, Shahida and Ayesha, were seriously injured. The beheaded body of a man identified as Raza Bugti was found in the Mir Hasan area and Mohammad Bugti was killed in Dera Murad Jamali.Two policemen were injured in the Basima area of Kharan district when gunmen opened fire on a bus.http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/d ... e-claims-5-more-lives--bi
UN refugee agency voices concern over murder of 3 Baloch leaders in Pakistan
15 April 2009 – The United Nations refugee agency has added its voice to the concern expressed over the killing of three Pakistani Baloch leaders last week, urging the South-Asian Government to launch an investigation into the murders.The three men from the south-western province of Balochistan, the largest in Pakistan, were members of the Quam Dost Committee, which was recently established by the Government to investigate cases of missing people in the region, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). “UNHCR supports calls for the Government of Pakistan to immediately investigate these murders and to ensure that the Balochistan Quam Dost Committee continues its important work,” UNHCR spokesperson Ron Redmond said yesterday in Geneva. “We extend our deepest condolences to the families of those killed,” he added.Earlier this month, the head of the UNHCR office in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, was released after being abducted in an attack on 2 February that left another colleague, Syed Hashim, dead.The Balochistan Liberation United Front was the group that claimed to be holding UNHCR staff member John Solecki, demanding the release of people it says are in Pakistani custody. http://www.webnewswire.com/node/451395
15 April 2009
Dera Bugti: Paksitani brutal army backed with latest american aid weapons and helicopters began a massive Operation in Dera bugti on monday. More than
Dera Bugti: Baloch Freedom fighters killed a Baloch National traitor along with his bodygurards in a remote controlled blast.According to sources explosive device was planted in a motrobike. which was then exploded with a remote cotrol when wadera Bahlil's vehicle was passing by. In explosion Baloch Naitonal traitro Wadera Bahlil along with his one bodyguard died on spot.Spokesman of Baloch Republican Army. Mr. Sarbaz Baloch claimed responsibility of the attack via phone call from undisclosed location. While talking to newsman he said Traitors will not be forgiven. They will be dealt similarly as Wadera Bahlil.
Baloch women, children protest against killing of leaders

Demonstrators demand UN inquiry into killing of Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Lala Munir Ahmed Baloch and Sher Mohammad Baloch * Say they have lost faith in President ZardariBy Malik Siraj Akbar QUETTA: Hundreds of Baloch women and children protested on Tuesday against the death of three Baloch nationalist leaders allegedly in the custody of intelligence agencies in Turbat district last week. The protest – organised by the Baloch Women’s Panel (BWP) and supported by the Baloch Students’ Organisation (BSO) – started from the Quetta Press Club and ended inside the district government compound. The protesters chanted slogans against the government and intelligence agencies and demanded independence for Balochistan. They also called for the release of Baloch leaders currently believed to be in official custody. The protest – organised by the Baloch Women’s Panel (BWP) and supported by the Baloch Students’ Organisation (BSO) – started from the Quetta Press Club and ended inside the district government compound. The protesters chanted slogans against the government and intelligence agencies and demanded independence for Balochistan. They also called for the release of Baloch leaders currently believed to be in official custody. The Baloch nationalist leaders – the Balochistan National Movement’s (BNM) Ghulam Mohammad Baloch and Lala Munir Ahmed Baloch and the Baloch Republican Party’s (BRP) Sher Mohammad Baloch – were allegedly arrested by the intelligence agencies on April 3 from the chamber of their lawyer, Kachol Ali Baloch. After four days, their bodies were found in a deserted area in Turbat. The killing of the Baloch leaders has sparked a massive wave of violent protests all over the province. Dr Hani Baloch, a senior leader of the BWP, demanded a UN-sponsored investigation into the killing of the three leaders. She praised the UN and the US for their unprecedented move to officially condemn the killing of the Baloch leaders. Lost faith: “We reject all forms of committees formed by the government of Pakistan, because President Asif Ali Zardari has already spoken in support of the intelligence agencies and declared them innocent in the case, while we believe that the state agencies murdered the Baloch leaders,” she charged. “We have lost faith in President Asif Zardari’s commitment because he is siding with the intelligence agencies,” she said. When former National Party president Dr Abdul Hayee Baloch and Balochistan National Party Secretary General Habib Jalib arrived to participate in the rally, the protesters demanded that they leave in light of their overt support for parliamentary politics.http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009\04\15\story_15-4-2009_pg7_32
Balochistan violence claims three more lives
QUETTA: Three people died in Balochistan on Tuesday, including two who were injured earlier. And three FC soldiers were injured as protests against the death last week of three Baloch nationalist leaders continued across the province.Demonstrations were reported from many cities and towns, including Quetta, Khuzdar, Nushki, Awaran and Kharan. A man, identified as Zahoor Ahmed, was shot dead in the Sariab road area of the provincial capital. Asfandyar, who was injured in a shootout in the Jinnah Town area two days ago, died at the Combined Military Hospital in Quetta on Tuesday afternoon. A 12-year-old boy, who was injured in Mastung on Monday night when his father was killed in firing, also succumbed to his injuries in the evening. Meanwhile, three security personnel were injured in the Zain Koh area of Dera Bugti in an attack on a Frontier Corps check post. Sources said that armed men had fired and set off explosives near the post. In Kharan, an angry mob set the office of the principal of a public school on fire. In Khuzdar, an education department vehicle was torched. In Quetta, a group of demonstrators attacked half a dozen shops at the main Jinnah Road after a protest rally held by the BSO. The mob dispersed after police arrived at the scene. The incident resulted in the closing of shops and markets in various parts of the provincial capital.
http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/d ... aims-three-more-lives--bi
http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/d ... aims-three-more-lives--bi
14 April 2009
Protests continue in Balochistan, 4 more killed, shops and govt office set on fire
QUETTA: Protest against the killing of three Baloch leaders continued on fifth (5th) day, 4 more killed, 10 shops and govt office were set on fire. separately a resident of Zamran was shot dead by Iranian security forces.Gunmen killed a policeman, Niaz Muhammad, in Quetta suburbs and took away his weapon and motorcycle. Six people were injured in a grenade attack in the Killi Ibrahamzai area in Barewry road Quetta. In Chamaling a truck driver and a cleaner were killed when their truck was ambushed in the Rarkan area of Barkhan. Another truck also came under attack but escaped. In Mastung, an employee Javid Gajar of the Quetta Electric Supply Corporation was killed in a shootout in the main market. Mr Gajar's son Javid Hassan also sustaned injuries when unknown motorcyclists open fire on both father and son in killi Gullkanah area of Mastung.The situation remained calm in the troubled Makran belt after three days of violent incidents which followed the killing of Baloch National Movement’s Ghulam Muhammad Baloch and Lala Munir and Sher Muhammad Baloch of the Baloch Republican Party.However Baloch Women protested in port city of Gwader protested against the brutal killing of Baloch political leaders. Addressing the gathering women leaders rejected the Pakistan government's set up committees and investigation teams. They demanded an international inquiry into the killing of Baloch leaders. They also demanded an international intervention in Balochistan issue. On the other hand a bullet riddled body of Baloch woman Bibi Malook Khatoon was found near near border of Iranian occupied Balochistan. According to source Mr Malook went missing three days ago. Locals of Zamran area of Jinkan said that she was killed by Iranian security forces when she went to collect woods from a near by mountainous area. Relatives of the victim have complained in Sarawan ploice Sation (pass- gah) but the Iranian police refused to register their compliant. In Panjgur unknown men attacked a Garaj and set it on fire two men Haji Mohammad Iqbal and Fiyaz Ahmad suffered injuries due to fire in the garage.According to local media reports the Police has arrested six person including a police official regarding Rakhni incident of firing on trucks that were carrying coal to Punjab.
13 April 2009
Call for UN probe into murder of Baloch leaders

QUETTA: Senator Dr Malik Baloch, chief of the National Party, called on Sunday for a UN probe into the murder of three Baloch leaders.In separate statements Baloch Qaumdost Committee, BNF, BRP, Marri Itehad and Hyrbair Marri also demanded an International investigation into the brutal murder of Baloch leaders by Pakistani agencies.Addressing a press conference in Panjgur, Dr Malik alleged that the plot to kill Baloch leaders had been hatched in Islamabad.NP’s senior vice-president Mir Hasil Bizenjo, Secretary-general Tahir Bizenjo and senior party leader Kachkol Ali Baloch also attended the press conference.The NP chief alleged that intelligence agencies had murdered Ghulam Mohammad, Lala Munir and Sher Mohammad after arresting them.He said the elements who had assassinated Nawab Akbar Bugti were also behind the Turbat incident. Describing the killings as state terrorism, Dr Malik criticised President Asif Ali Zardari’s statement that intelligence agencies were not involved in the killing.In separate statements Baloch Qaumdost Committee, BNF, BRP, Marri Itehad and Hyrbair Marri also demanded an International investigation into the brutal murder of Baloch leaders by Pakistani agencies.According to details Baloch people rejected the Zardari’s statement that Pakistan agencies were not involved into the murder of Baloch leaders. Hyrbair Marri said that Zardari like former Pakistani dictator Musharraf was declaring agencies innocent before any investigation. He said this proves that Zardari has no power and only reads what the agencies write for him. He said Pakistan’s set so called investigating committee were nothing but drama they are trying to calm the Balochistan Nations anger by such committees. Baloch Qaumdost Committee said that they had no faith in Pakistani committees. These committees have no power to arrest and investigate the powerful and notorious Intelligence agencies of Pakistan. That is why they reject all committees set by either provincial government or federal government. Only an international investigation comprising members of UN and other International human rights groups maybe able to bring the culprits to justice. BRP and BNF also demanded an international inquiry into the brutal murder of Baloch leaders. It is apparent that Baloch people have no expectations form Pakistani judiciary, constitution and the so called inquiry committees. Thus, an international intervention is inevitable and a matter of urgency.
B P P Strongly Condemns the Killing of Top Baloch Political Leaders
The slain bodies of three Baloch leaders namely Mr Ghulam Mohammad Baloch chairman of Baloch National Movement (BNM) and his party fellow Mr Lala Muneer Baloch and Sher Mohammad Baloch of Baloch Republican Party (BRP) were found on the outskirt of Turbat city soon after their abduction by Pakistani intelligence service, ISI, on 3rd of April 2009. The circumstances under which these political leaders have been killed following their abduction shows the barbaric and violent attitude of Pakistani establishment toward the Baloch People.Mr Ghulam Mohammad as political leader of BNM was member of the committee which assisted the release of Mr John Solecki (Head of UNHCR in Quetta) from his kidnapers. The same committee was also due to investigate and conclude list of the Baloch men and women who have been kidnapped and are disappeared by Pakistan security forces and the army intelligence agencies in order to facilitate safe release of these Baloch activists and their return to their families. This crime is an attempt by the perpetrators to stop release of the kidnapped and disappeared Baloch prisoners. At the same time, the aim is to weaken Baloch national struggle and deprive it from an effective political leadership.In recent years, Pakistani military and intelligence services have followed a systematic policy of targeted killing of the Baloch political leaders. This policy has failed since Baloch struggle for freedom and democracy has popular and genuine base amongst the masses in order to achieve national sovereignty for Baloch people.Balochistan Peoples Party strongly condemns murder of the well known Baloch political leaders. BPP also expresses its deepest sorrow and sympathy with families of Chairman Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Lala Muneer Baloch and Sher Mohammad Baloch and the entire Baloch people.
We demand that the international community and United Nations to:
Set up a committee to investigate this crime and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Put pressure on Pakistani authorities to stop its systematic oppression of Baloch people and its military operations in Balochistan.
Facilitate immediate release of all political prisoners.
Establish a special committee to mediate in the conflict between the Baloch and Pakistani government
Address the demand of the Baloch people for national sovereignty.
We demand that the international community and United Nations to:
Set up a committee to investigate this crime and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Put pressure on Pakistani authorities to stop its systematic oppression of Baloch people and its military operations in Balochistan.
Facilitate immediate release of all political prisoners.
Establish a special committee to mediate in the conflict between the Baloch and Pakistani government
Address the demand of the Baloch people for national sovereignty.
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