Balochistan Human Rights Watch: Ebrahim Mehrnehad, Baloch civil activist was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 5 yearsAccording to reports from the members of Balochistan Human Rights Watch (BHRW),Ebrahim Mehrnehad, the baloch civil activist and the younger brother of Ya'qoubMehrnehad has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 5 years (3 yearsunconditional and 2 years conditional imprisonment). He was convicted, inZahedan, to be guilty in beeing a national threat in first degree while he hadno privilege of having any lawyer.According to the investigation report performed by (Y.GH.) the reporter of RadioBalochi FM(Voice of BHRW) in Sarawan, Ebrahim has been subjected to ultermosttorture methods, both physically and psychologically. Amongst he has beensubjected to burning.One of the most terrible torture method which has been committed against
Ebrahim, was to experience how his brother, Ya'qoub was subjected to torture
which has made a major negative impact on his physical and psychological state.An impact which has resulted in worsening his general health condition toultermost critical. Therefore it is crucially important that he receives anurgent necessary medical care and aid.We in `'Balochistan Human Rights Watch'' are deeply concerned about his physicaland psychological health condition, and consider the concerned authorities inIslamic Republic of Iran responsible for his life and fate.However, in our opinion Ebrahim was convicted unfairly and received an unlawfuland a wrongful sentence. Quite so because he has not commietted any crime, evenunder shadow of iranian official consitutional circumstances. He has onlyperformed civil activities for gaining the legal rights. That is exactlytherefore crucially important that the Islamic Republic of Iran understands thatthe unfair convicting of civil activists with such a wrong basis, consequently,results in providing a very dangerous platform in civil society for more uncivilresistant activities and unrest. This, undoutedfully, will in long term be moreharmful for the region, as a whole. `'Balochistan Human Rights Watch'' callstherefore for an immediate uncondional release of Ebrahim.It is worth mentioning that Ebrahim , once in 26.04.2007, his brother Ya'qouband a number of other young civil activists were taken in custody in connectionwith a public meeting. The main mission of mentioned public meeting was only theinterrogation of responsible authorities in Sistan and Balochestan about theirdoings. They were released all, except Ya'qoub Mehrnehad after 70 days of beeingin custody. Ya'qoub was chairman of "the association of youth's justice voice",and he unfortunately, despite of many calls from several international humanrights watch groups and organisations, was sentenced to death defenceless, andthe regime executed the sentence on 4 August 2008Balochistan Human Rights
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