25 April 2009

Talha not happy over briefing on Balochistan

Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator Talha Mehmood Thursday expressed his dissatisfaction over the in- camera briefing to Senate on Balochistan situation, adding that there was a huge gap between the ground realities and the briefing.
“What was briefed to the Senators was already known and there was nothing new. There was a huge gap between the facts presented to the House and the ground realities,” he told media at Parliament.
He said some neighbouring countries’ are actively involved in creating turmoil in Balochistan to de-stabilize the country.
The Senator called upon the political forces to sit together to sort out all the problems being faced by the country. However, he emphasized upon the implementation of the resolution, passed by joint sitting of the Parliament on national security, in true letter and spirit.
He said the federal and the provincial governments should initiate development projects in Balochistan to create opportunities for the local people, who have great sense of deprivation.
It is also responsibility of the government to control the law and order situation in Tribal areas of NWFP, Swat and other troubled areas, which is putting negative impact on other parts of the country.

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